Legacy for Our Children

DonkeyMails.com: No Minimum Payout ... Is a magic box. In attendance from the land of a thousand languages ​​and colors. Paint a moving picture. Make a loud sound cheerful heart. Reluctant to make the eyes away from her. Although sometimes difficult to make a heart, but still he wanted! I'm sure you know the magic box!Well, that's television.Where all the eyes, from parents to children, so attached to him. Television. Magical item that almost makes everyone fall in love. Because it is so magical, so it managed to shift the schedule of the lives of many people. Managed to shift meal schedule, worship schedule, delaying the hours of work and study even sleep schedule delay because there is an 'interesting' was in television.No more than a decade, television finally has a friend who many in the vicinity. VCD copies, one of them. This one's television makes people able to enjoy something more personal. Imagine if the first television we can only set the channel but can not organize the show now with VCD can regulate anything that would be seen and heard. From hearing the music hits again, Aa Gym to hear lectures, see the see the movie Hollywood, Bollywood or Hong Kong-style gangster film. VCD can even replace the gymnastics instructor! Is that not so?But not only that, the television still have friends who are a little more tractable. Willing to do anything as long ruled the command already exists in him.Yep, that's a PC!Personal Computer. People call with just a computer. It's also a pretty interesting thing to note. Because many things can be done with it: from writing, make financial reports, play songs, watch movies, play games. Well, just complex. And now the computer was associated with so many computer data base even around the world with internet. All can be seen there from good to excellent even yanng not civilized at all.All these things are so wonderful!Because of all the things presented there.All the things you want to know can we know from there. With a very interesting way, because it involves the motion, image and sound.All knowledge of human life that has been collected there. Of knowledge about the universe, the knowledge of how the money will be used, or about the area and the areas that we never visit. They even gave all the things that did not reach us, the fantasy of human reasoning about the future, knowledge-knowledge of something that is always hidden such as plant cells. We also learn about other cultures, languages, personalities and life stories of others. All contain important information about life. All have tremendous benefits.All so magical!Even so magical!But so miraculously, makes us often forget. As the motor is still smoky, electronic media was actually having 'residu'-side effects, which are often overlooked.How not?How many hours of time off right now than there was no television?How many hours of your time chatting with the kids again? How much time to spend on your child and listen to their story told? How much do you spend time to reflect on your life back after a long day of work?That you ...What about your kids?How much time they spend playing their familiar environment? How many of them explore themselves by their nature?Ever think about things?Talk about a child, I was reminded Anggi (9 years). Anggi is one of our students. Academically may Anggi not that great, but the language skills and social skills may Anggi diajungi thumb. One time when I met him after a long time not seen, he then called me, "My husband ... I miss you"Well, where can this sentence.Said miss and miss a word may be familiar with Anggi. But the incorporation of the phrase with the words, "My husband ..." that's what I've always wondered.What actually happens?Anggi third child of four children. Two brothers became a teenager and this knowledge obtained from the soap opera he saw with his family.Other Anggi, another story by Nisa (5 years). Since first coming to our place, Nisa is showing symptoms of the 'odd'. Tend bubbling emotions when a given task does not finish. Angry behavior always leads to things that are not clear. Nisa is always angry at the things that made him angry because he could not do it. But he often ran the other way and began to throw the words are not clear.The words are not always clearly expressed, as demand was also unclear when to cry.When traced, in addition to maternal factors are dikarena emotional instability, daily Nisa spent viewing television and performed alone without parental guidance. That is why, perhaps there are some behaviors that are similar to some of the anger angry behavior that ditontonkan the actress on the soap opera.Another time I met the mother of a 3-year boy named Chacha. This mom complained extraordinary, because his son is hard to escape from India film. India smells of all things seen. And everyone knows there is an Indian film which does not contain scenes of erotic?! Meanwhile, if not obeyed exceptional children will be upset that one.
Maybe what happened to your children is not as 'extreme' Anggi, Nisa or chaca. But come back to see your kids?!How many hours spent by your child to watch television? How much time to play games or view the VCD in a computer? How much time is spent on children to socialize with friends?In the average American child will be 3 hours in front of the television (Huston et al study in 1992). National Cable Television Association study (1994) and Nielson (1994) showed that preschool children (2-5 years) saw approximately 15 hours of television each week. These children are also watching TV from 10 am to 4:30 pm and evening from 8 until 11 pm on any time off. While elementary school children watched television 23 hours in each week (mostly seen at night).Other studies have shown that the more time kids spend in front of the television, other activities such as reading, something related to a hobby, play time, exercise, and interaction with the family will be ignored.What about our children?Not to mention the increase in violent activity in children.Research in the U.S. shows in 1988 alone there 26 hours a week, where kids cartoons that contain scenes of violence.Other studies have shown that many children spend their time in front of the television show a low level when faced with stressors during the study. This can be understood as anything that is given its entertaining TV and do not require extra attention or focus. Furthermore, children who are familiar with this type of entertainment, tend to quickly experience boredom when working on school assignments that require complex thinking and caring enough.What about our children?
Inheritance For Our ChildrenThe effects of television and the media tend to separate children from their world. More likely to make children become social stuttering, reduced ability to concentrate on tasks in school, increasing the likelihood of negative behaviors (arguing, angry, aggressive behavior, and increase consumer behavior unconsciously.But for some reason so many who have felt the impact, television and the media still prevail in the family living room. Remained consumed with no clear boundaries which should be accessible to children and which are for adults. Soap operas are full of violence, romance is not clear, cruel words easily accessed by children. Though it aired at a child's learning.For some reason it could happen?Again, the question will come back to us grown-ups who are around children. Whether it's teachers and parents. Actually what we want to bequeath to our children as a provision for their lives?Modelkah? Teladankah?Is it true that television and electronic media managed to let the model (an example / role model) is good and noble in our children?Noble values ​​such as mutual help, sharing, tepa slira, warm-hearted, loving, caring, respect for parents and teachers she?Is television really tell a lot about these values ​​or even vice versa?What would we bequeath to our children?Many parents have children who dream of a pious son-sholehah. Many parents dream of a child can be one of the leading people in this world. So successful and famous people.Many parents who have big dreams for their children, but many of them break down slowly that dream. They want their child to be a loving child, but every time they are presented in a tense situation again full of tricks to achieve all things. They want their children to be a big boy and has big dreams of building a world, but each time with the children's television was built her imagination that success can be obtained easily. Because that's happening on screen. So easy to replace the car, or been a director after graduating from college. Would not any successful business must have been a form of zero? Than not have anything.Actually what we want to bequeath to our children if we do not have the courage to be more clear about our own desires. Is not true that we are not opposed to the wishes of children to watch television, but to us who can not resist the urge to watch television?So do not ever ask a child to learn in earnest, if we are busy watching TV. Because it will only make the children would steal the opportunity to be able to immediately enjoy. Either with my homework faster, pretending to learn, or reasonably have learned this afternoon.Well, it seems we need to reflect back exactly what we will bequeath to our children? To be the future provision of their lives. Faced with a rapidly changing times: are fairly abundant knowledge about something or the skills and attitude to life is guided by the noble values?... Until we do not have to regret later. Is not, "Children are the greatest blessing in our lives? And they all just be kids? "Hopefully ..

by Duma Rachmat Artanto

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